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I started thinking about building a Recirculating Infusion Mash System (RIMS - see Keith Royster's site for a great definition) about a year before I finally started construction (January, 2003).  There is some fantastic information on the internet about this, and the RIMS References section identifies a few people whose web sites and correspondence really helped.

The RIMS was completed February 9, 2003.  This page documents my procedures to help others in the future.  If anyone out there thinks of some changes I could make, I am open to suggestion if something is unclear or if some information is obviously missing.  One improvement I would like to make to this site is to add a FAQ, but time is always limited.

While putting together the parts I procured, I realized that the project did cost quite a bit more than I originally thought it would -- if I had it to do over again, I might consider looking harder to find a used SABCO BrewMagic system.  Another member of my homebrewing club found one for $1000, which isn't much more than what I spent for this system.

Having said that, however, there was a great deal of satisfaction watching my system come together, knowing that I built it with my own hands.  I didn't have the patience to build the original brewery that way, to my regret in retrospect.  Building the RIMS system was a good experience.

RIMS References - some of the good websites to visit when building a RIMS

bulletRIMS Parts - the parts which were used to build the RIMS system
bulletRIMS Plumbing - views of the plumbing which is used to recirculate the mash
bulletRIMS Controller - views of the RIMS controller used to control the temperature
bulletRIMS Improvements - my current plans for improvements to the system

Thanks to Wayne Majerowski's Big Fun Brewing RIMS Homepage, for the following thoughts -

bulletWhatever the final design, it will change once you start brewing. 
bulletYou can tell when your RIMS Brewery is close to completion when your last three consecutive trips to the hardware/supply house were each under $5.00. 
bulletBuilding a RIMS Brewery will cost twice as much and take three times as long as planned and provide five times more enjoyment than any other way of home brewing. 
bulletIt is Big Fun Brewing with a RIMS Home Brewery.

DISCLAIMER: While I hope you find this site interesting and useful for reference purposes, I am neither a plumber nor an electrician, and therefore cannot take any liability for any injury which may occur through implementation of any apparatus which is based on the information contained herein.  Please feel free to use this information at your own risk.

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Send suggestions or comments to lou@lousbrews.info.