2004-12-12 Lou's Brews Irish Red Ale

A ProMash Brewing Session Report

Brewing Date: Sunday December 12, 2004
Head Brewer: Lou King
Asst Brewer: Batch 50
Recipe: Lou's Brews Irish Red Ale

BJCP Style and Style Guidelines
09-D Scottish And Irish Ale, Irish Red Ale

Min OG: 1.044 Max OG: 1.060   
Min IBU: 17 Max IBU: 28   
Min Clr: 9 Max Clr: 18  Color in SRM, Lovibond

Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (Gal): 10.00 Wort Size (Gal): 11.00
Total Grain (Lbs): 19.50      
Anticipated OG: 1.051 Plato: 12.68
Anticipated SRM: 17.8        
Anticipated IBU: 24.4      
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70  %   
Wort Boil Time: 75  Minutes   

Actual OG: 1.055 Plato: 13.65   
Actual FG: 1.020 Plato: 5.00   
Alc by Weight: 3.65 by Volume: 4.70 From Measured Gravities.
ADF: 63.4 RDF: 53.1 Apparent & Real Degree of Fermentation.

Actual Mash System Efficiency: 87 %
Anticipated Points From Mash: 51.24
Actual Points From Mash: 63.52

% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
89.7 17.50 lbs.  Pale Malt(2-row) Great Britain 1.038 3
7.7 1.50 lbs.  Crystal 20L America 1.035 20
2.6 0.50 lbs.  Roasted Barley Great Britain 1.029 575

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
1.50 oz.  Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.50 21.7 75 min
1.00 oz.  Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.50 2.7 10 min

White Labs WLP005 British Ale

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Single Step   
Heat Type: Direct   
Grain Lbs: 19.50   
Water Qts: 24.38 Before Additional Infusions
Water Gal: 6.09 Before Additional Infusions
Qts Water Per Lbs Grain: 1.25 Before Additional Infusions
Tun Thermal Mass: 0.30   
Grain Temp: 67 F Before Additional Infusions

Rest Temp Time
Dough In: 171 0 Min
Saccharification Rest: 151 60 Min
Mash-out Rest: 168 10 Min
Sparge: 17 45 Min

Total Mash Volume Gal: 7.66 - After Additional Infusions

Runnings Stopped At: 1.011 SG 2.79 Plato

All temperature measurements are degrees Fahrenheit.

Efficiency Specifics
Recipe Efficiency Setting: 70 %

With sparge water, mash water, additional infusions, vessel losses, top-up
water and evaporation rate recorded in the Water Needed Calculator:

Target Volume (Gal): 13.51      
Estimated OG: 1.038 Plato: 9.49

Raw Pre-Boil Targets - only targeted volume/gravity and evaporation
rate taken into account:
Target Volume (Gal): 13.54      
Estimated OG: 1.038 Plato: 9.47

Post-Boil Targets:
Target Volume (Gal): 10.00      
Estimated OG: 1.051 Plato: 12.68

Recorded Actuals - Measurement Taken In Kettle:
Recorded Volume (Gal): 13.00      
Recorded OG: 1.049 Plato: 12.12

At 100 percent extraction from the maximum mash potential:
Total Points: 73.20
Points From Mash: 73.20
Points From Extract/Sugar: 0.00

With the recipe efficiency setting, you should have achieved:
Total Points: 51.24
Points From Mash: 51.24
Points From Extract/Sugar: 0.00

Actuals achieved were:
Actual Points From Mash: 63.52
Actual Mash System Efficiency: 87 %

Fermentation Specifics
Pitched From: Starter
Amount Pitched: 28 OZ
Lag Time: 0.00 hours

Primary Fermenter: Stainless Steel
Primary Type: Closed
Days In Primary: 14
Primary Temperature: 68 degrees F

Original Gravity: 1.055 SG 13.65 Plato
Finishing Gravity: 1.020 SG 5.00 Plato

Mash Notes
Mashed in all grain except roasted barley. Added roasted barley to the top of the mash tun. I had read recently in Brew Your Own that the roasted barley tends to "stick" the mash and that this technique is a brewing trick to prevent that. It is definitely flowing smoother through the RIMS. It seems to be a little lighter in color than it was last week (batch 49) with the same grains, though -- not as red.

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